This file contains details of the statistical methodology and the analysis code for the manuscript: ‘Assessing the impact of primary tumour location on survival after resection of colorectal liver metastases: A propensity weighted retrospective cohort study.’
See also the HTML version of this file: <>
Multiple imputation was performed using chained equations and classification and regression trees to account for missing data with the number of imputed samples equal to the percentage of missing data as suggested previously (White, Royston, and Wood 2011). Outcome variables and PTL were not imputed.
Propensity score weights calculated by generalised boosted modelling (McCaffrey, Ridgeway, and Morral 2004) were used to adjust for baseline imbalanced factors which may plausibly pre-dispose to having a particular PTL. Balance was assessed using simple difference-in-means testing at baseline, with analysis of variance (ANOVA) for normally distributed variables and the Kruskal-Wallis test for non-normally distributed variables. After weighting a mean difference of <0.1 for each covariate between each PTL group was considered a good balance (Appendix Table 2).
Cox regression was performed to further adjust for recorded covariates on 10-year overall and 5-year disease free survival. The proportional hazards assumption was confirmed with plots of Schoenfeld residuals (appendix figure 3) (SCHOENFELD 1982). Variables included in the final models were selected with a stepwise method using a p-value threshold of <0.10 on univariable analysis. Weighting and regression was performed on each imputed dataset and pooled according to Rubin’s rules (Rubin 1987).
Hazard ratios for each variable with 95% confidence intervals were derived with p-values for statistical significance; the statistical significance threshold was set a priori at <0.05.
Univariable survival curves for each PTL, and other variables with the Kaplan-Meier estimator before multiple imputation, propensity score weighting and Cox-regression were also produced, with the log rank test for statistical significance.
Analysis was performed using R version 4.0.2 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) with survival (Terry M. Therneau and Patricia M. Grambsch 2000), survminer (Kassambara, Kosinski, and Biecek 2020), mice (Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn 2011), WeightIt (Greifer 2020), cobalt (Greifer 2020) and MatchThem (Pishgar and Greifer 2020) packages.
See also the HTML version of this file:
library(Gmisc, quietly = TRUE)
<- read_excel("CRLM Data 11.01.21.xlsx",
data col_types = c("numeric", "date", "text",
"date", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
"numeric", "text", "text", "numeric",
"text", "text", "text", "text", "text",
"text", "text", "text", "date", "text",
"date", "numeric", "text", "text",
"numeric", "numeric", "text", "text",
"text", "text", "text", "numeric",
"text", "text", "text", "text", "date",
"text", "date", "text", "text", "text",
"date", "date", "date", "text", "text",
"text", "text", "numeric", "date",
"logical", "logical", "logical",
"logical"), na = "NA")
<- data %>% filter(ClavienDindo ==
postopdead "V")
<- data[!(data$ID2 %in% postopdead$ID2),
data ]
$age <- floor(time_length(difftime(data$DateofLiverResection,
data$DOB), "years"))
<- data %>% relocate(age)
## Age as categoric variable:
$agecat <- case_when(data$age > 70 ~
data">70", data$age > 60 ~ "61-70", data$age >
50 ~ "51-60", data$age > 18 ~ "<50")
$agecat <- factor(data$agecat, levels = c("<50",
data"51-60", "61-70", ">70"))
$Gender = data$Gender %>% as.factor() %>%
data::revalue(c(F = "Female", M = "Male")) plyr
$TimeToLivMet <- time_length(as.period(interval(data$DatePrimaryResection,
data$DateDiseaseRecurrence)), unit = "months")
data### Time to last follow up if no death
$DateofDeath <- replace_na(data$DateofDeath,
$TimeToDeath <- time_length(as.period(interval(data$DateofLiverResection,
data$DateofDeath)), unit = "months")
data$DateOfRecurrencePostLiverResection <- replace_na(data$DateOfRecurrencePostLiverResection,
$TimeToRecurrence <- time_length(as.period(interval(data$DateofLiverResection,
dataunit = "months")
### Time to last follow up if no recurrence
$RecurrenceToDeath <- time_length(as.period(interval(data$DateOfRecurrencePostLiverResection,
data$DateofDeath)), unit = "months")
### Recode 5 year survival as FALSE or TRUE
### (these are the status variables for OS
### and DFS)
$five_year_all_cause_survival <- ifelse(data$dateof_death ==
dataas.Date("2020-08-30"), FALSE, TRUE)
$five_year_disease_free_survival <- ifelse(data$date_of_recurrence_post_liver_resection ==
dataas.Date("2020-08-30"), FALSE, TRUE)
<- cbind(data[, -grep("LocationLiverMetastasisLobes",
data colnames(data))], mtabulate(strsplit(as.character(data$LocationLiverMetastasisLobes),
<- cbind(data[, -grep("LocationLiverMetastasisSegments",
data colnames(data))], mtabulate(strsplit(data$LocationLiverMetastasisSegments,
<- cbind(data[, -grep("ExtraHepaticMetastases",
data colnames(data))], mtabulate(strsplit(data$ExtraHepaticMetastases,
<- cbind(data[, -grep("AdjuvantTherapies",
data colnames(data))], mtabulate(strsplit(data$AdjuvantTherapies,
<- cbind(data[, -grep("LiverResectionProcedure",
data colnames(data))], mtabulate(strsplit(data$LiverResectionProcedure,
## New column for each mutation type:
$RAS <- grepl("RAS", data$Mutations)
data$BRAF <- grepl("BRAF", data$Mutations)
data$p53 <- grepl("p53", data$Mutations)
data## New Bilobar mets column
$Bilobar <- data$Right == 1 & data$Left ==
##Liver First or Colorectal First
difftime(data$dateof_liver_resection, data$date_primary_resection, units="days") %>% as.numeric()->data$primtoliver
$primtoliver==0 | data$primtoliver==-1 | data$primtoliver==1~"Synchronous Resection",
data$primtoliver>0~"Primary First",
data$primtoliver<0~"Liver First",$primtoliver)~"Liver First")->data$sequence
## Filter into synchronous tumours only
%>% filter(synchronous_liver_metastasis=="Yes")->synch data
%>% rename("OtherGI"='Other GI', "SystemicChemo"='Systemic- Chemo',
data "IRAblation"='IR ablation', "PVE"='Portal vein embolization')->data
### Convert columns to logical
50:90] <-lapply(data[50:90],as.logical)
data[,%<>% mutate_at(c("Diaphragm","Lung","None","OtherGI"), as.logical)->data
###Collapse Right sided and Transverse into one
$PrimarySite<-fct_collapse(data$PrimarySite, "Right" = c("Right","Transverse"), "Left" = c("Sigmoid","Left") )
## Collapse TNM stages:
$InitialTumourStageT<-fct_collapse(data$InitialTumourStageT, "T5"= c("T5a", "T5b")) data$InitialTumourStageN<-fct_collapse(data$InitialTumourStageN, "N1"= c("N1a", "N1b", "N1c"), "N2"= c("N2a","N2b"))
data$StageTimeMetastasisN<-fct_collapse(data$StageTimeMetastasisN, "N1"= c("N1a", "N1b", "N1c"), "N2"= c("N2a","N2b"))
###Modified Charlson Index to Factor:
$ModifiedCharlsonIndex<-fct_collapse(as.factor(data$ModifiedCharlsonIndex), ">5"= c("5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12")) data
$Unresectable <- as.numeric(data$LiverRecurrence) -
$UnresectablePct <- data$Unresectable/as.numeric(data$LiverRecurrence) *
$LiverRecurrenceYN = ifelse(data$LiverRecurrence >
data0, TRUE, FALSE)
$LiverRecurrence = data$LiverRecurrence %>%
$Resections = data$Resections %>% as.factor()
data$Unresectable = data$Unresectable %>%
var_label(data) <- list(age = "Age", Gender = "Gender",
ID2 = "ID", ASA = "American Society of Anesthesiology Grade",
ModifiedCharlsonIndex = "Modified Charlson Index",
PerformanceStatus = "Performance Status",
InitialCEA = "Initial Carcinoembroynic Antigen (µ/L)",
PrimarySite = "Primary Tumour Location",
SynchronousLiverMetastasis = "Synchronous Liver Metastasis",
TumourGrade = "Tumour Grade", InitialTumourStageT = "T Stage",
InitialTumourStageN = "N Stage", InitialTumourStageM = "M Stage",
PrimaryProcedure = "Primary Procedure",
UrgencyPrimary = "Urgency of Primary Procedure",
Stoma = "Stoma Formation in Primary Procedure",
OperativeRoute = "Operative Route- Primary Procedure",
MarginsPrimaryResection = "Resection Margins- Primary Procedure",
DateDiseaseRecurrence = "Date of Recurrence in Liver",
CEALiverMetastasis = "CEA at Liver Recurrence (µ/L)",
NumberLiverMetastases = "Number of Liver Metastases",
SizeLargestLiverMetastasis = "Size of Largest Liver Metastasis (mm)",
StageTimeMetastasisN = "Stage at Time of Metastasis - N",
StageTimeMetastasisM = "Stage at Time of Metastasis - M",
NoSegmentectomies = "No. of Segmentectomies",
Route = "Operative Route - Liver Resection",
LiverResectionMargins = "Resection Margins- Liver Resection",
ClavienDindo = "Clavien Dindo Grade during Admission",
FiveYearAllCauseSurvival = "Five Year All Cause Survival",
FiveYearDiseaseFreeSurvival = "Five Year Disease Free Survival",
TimeToLivMet = "Time to Liver Metastasis after Primary Resection (months)",
TimeToDeath = "Time to Death after Liver Resection (months)",
TimeToRecurrence = "Time to Recurrence after Liver Resection (months)",
RecurrenceToDeath = "Time to Death after Recurrence following Liver Resection (months)",
Bilobar = "Bilobar Liver Metastases",
Lung = "Lung Metastases", Peritoneum = "Peritoneal Metastases",
OtherGI = "Other Gastrointestinal Metastasis",
SystemicChemo = "Systemic Chemotherapy",
IRAblation = "Radiofrequency Ablation",
CNS = "Central Nervous System Metastasis",
Bone = "Bone Metastasis", Radiotherapy = "Radiotherapy",
Immunotherapy = "Immunotherapy", p53 = "p53 Mutation",
RAS = "RAS Mutation", BRAF = "BRAF Mutation",
LiverRecurrence = "Number of Recurrences in Liver after Liver Resection",
Resections = "Number of Repeat Liver Resections",
Unresectable = "Number of Unresectable Liver Recurrences",
UnresectablePct = "Percentage Unresectable Liver Recurrences",
LiverRecurrenceYN = "Liver Recurrence")
<- expss::apply_labels(data, age = "Age",
data Gender = "Gender", ID2 = "ID", ASA = "American Society of Anesthesiology Grade",
ModifiedCharlsonIndex = "Modified Charlson Index",
PerformanceStatus = "Performance Status",
InitialCEA = "Initial Carcinoembroynic Antigen (µ/L)",
PrimarySite = "Primary Tumour Location",
SynchronousLiverMetastasis = "Synchronous Liver Metastasis",
TumourGrade = "Tumour Grade", InitialTumourStageT = "T Stage",
InitialTumourStageN = "N Stage", InitialTumourStageM = "M Stage",
PrimaryProcedure = "Primary Procedure",
UrgencyPrimary = "Urgency of Primary Procedure",
Stoma = "Stoma Formation in Primary Procedure",
OperativeRoute = "Operative Route- Primary Procedure",
MarginsPrimaryResection = "Resection Margins- Primary Procedure",
DateDiseaseRecurrence = "Date of Recurrence in Liver",
CEALiverMetastasis = "CEA at Liver Recurrence (µ/L)",
NumberLiverMetastases = "Number of Liver Metastases",
SizeLargestLiverMetastasis = "Size of Largest Liver Metastasis (mm)",
StageTimeMetastasisN = "Stage at Time of Metastasis - N",
StageTimeMetastasisM = "Stage at Time of Metastasis - M",
NoSegmentectomies = "No. of Segmentectomies",
Route = "Operative Route - Liver Resection",
LiverResectionMargins = "Resection Margins- Liver Resection",
ClavienDindo = "Clavien Dindo Grade during Admission",
FiveYearAllCauseSurvival = "Five Year All Cause Survival",
FiveYearDiseaseFreeSurvival = "Five Year Disease Free Survival",
TimeToLivMet = "Time to Liver Metastasis after Primary Resection (months)",
TimeToDeath = "Time to Death after Liver Resection (months)",
TimeToRecurrence = "Time to Recurrence after Liver Resection (months)",
RecurrenceToDeath = "Time to Death after Recurrence following Liver Resection (months)",
Bilobar = "Bilobar Liver Metastases",
Lung = "Lung Metastases", Peritoneum = "Peritoneal Metastases",
OtherGI = "Other Gastrointestinal Metastasis",
SystemicChemo = "Systemic Chemotherapy",
IRAblation = "Radiofrequency Ablation",
CNS = "Central Nervous System Metastasis",
Bone = "Bone Metastasis", Radiotherapy = "Radiotherapy",
Immunotherapy = "Immunotherapy", p53 = "p53 Mutation",
RAS = "RAS Mutation", BRAF = "BRAF Mutation",
LiverRecurrence = "Number of Recurrences in Liver after Liver Resection",
Resections = "Number of Repeat Liver Resections",
Unresectable = "Number of Unresectable Liver Recurrences",
UnresectablePct = "Percentage Unresectable Liver Recurrences",
LiverRecurrenceYN = "Liver Recurrence")
<- janitor::clean_names(data)
data attach(data)
<- c("age", "gender", "modified_charlson_index",
explanatorydemog "asa", "performance_status", "initial_cea",
"primary_site", "synchronous_liver_metastasis",
"tumour_grade", "initial_tumour_stage_t",
"initial_tumour_stage_n", "initial_tumour_stage_m",
"primary_procedure", "urgency_primary",
"stoma", "operative_route", "margins_primary_resection",
"cea_liver_metastasis", "number_liver_metastases",
"size_largest_liver_metastasis", "route",
"liver_resection_margins", "clavien_dindo",
"five_year_all_cause_survival", "five_year_disease_free_survival",
"time_to_liv_met", "time_to_death", "time_to_recurrence",
"recurrence_to_death", "bilobar", "lung",
"peritoneum", "bone", "cns", "systemic_chemo",
"radiotherapy", "immunotherapy", "ir_ablation",
"p53", "ras", "braf", "alpps", "extended_left_hepatectomy",
"left_hepatectomy", "right_hepatectomy",
"segmentectomy_wedge_resection", "no_segmentectomies",
"liver_recurrence", "resections", "unresectable",
"unresectable_pct", "liver_recurrence_yn",
"time_to_death", "i", "ii", "iii", "iv",
"v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "sequence",
"primtoliver", "neo_adj_prim", "adj_prim",
"neo_adj_liv", "adj_liv")
<- c("asa", "modified_charlson_index",
nnormal "performance_status", "number_liver_metastasis",
"size_liver_metastasis", "no_segmentectomies",
"tumour_grade", "initial_cea", "cea_liver_metastasis",
"time_to_liv_met", "time_to_death", "time_to_recurrence",
"recurrence_to_death", "no_segmentectomies",
"unresectable_pct", "time_to_death",
"i", "time_to_death", "ii", "iii", "iv",
"v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "primtoliver")
<- append(nnormal, names(data[, 57:51]))
nnormal <- (c("gender", "mutations", "primary_procedure",
exact "urgency_procedure", "margins_primary_resection",
"stome", "operative_route", "stage_time_metastasis_n",
"stage_time_metastasis_m", "liver_resection_procedure",
"route", "liver_resection_margins", "fiver_year_all_cause_survival",
"five_year_disease_free_survival", "bilobar",
"tumour_grade", "liver_recurrence", "resections",
"unresectable", "unresectable_pct", "liver_recurrence_yn",
"i", "braf", "p53", "ras", "ii", "iii",
"iv", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "sequence"))
c("i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi",
data[, "vii", "viii")] <- data %>% select("i",
"ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi", "vii",
"viii") %>% lapply(as.logical)
$tumour_grade <- data$tumour_grade %>%
$tumour_grade <- fct_collapse(data$tumour_grade,
data`3` = c("3", "4"))
<- tableone::CreateTableOne(explanatorydemog,
demogtable "primary_site", data) %>% print(nonnormal = nnormal,
exact = exact, varLabels = TRUE, missing = TRUE)
write.csv(demogtable, "table1.csv")
<- survfit(Surv(time_to_death,
fitoverallsurv ~ primary_site,
ten_year_all_cause_survival) data = data)
ggsurvplot(fitoverallsurv, data = data,
size = 1, # change line size = "TRUE","step",# Add confidence interval
pval = TRUE, # Add p-value
risk.table = "abs_pct", # Add risk table
risk.table.col = "strata",# Risk table color by groups
legend.labs =
c("Left", "Rectum", "Right"), # Change legend labels
risk.table.height = 0.25, # Useful to change when you have multiple groups
palette = "lancet",
xlim= c(0,120), = 10,
legend.title = "Primary Site",
xlab = "Time (months)",
title= "All Cause Survival from Time of Liver Resection", title.size=500
### Life table which shows proportion alive at each time period below KM curve:
::tbl_survfit(fitoverallsurv, times=c(12,36,60,120), label="Primary Tumour Location",
gtsummarylabel_header = "**{time} Months**", statistic="{estimate} (95% CI {conf.low}-{conf.high})"
survfit(Surv(time_to_liv_met, liver_recurrence) ~ primary_site, data = data)->fittimetorecurrence
ggsurvplot(fittimetorecurrence, data = data,
size = 1, # change line size = "TRUE","step",# Add confidence interval
pval = TRUE,
pval.coord= c(75,0.25),# Add p-value
risk.table = "abs_pct", # Add risk table
risk.table.col = "strata",# Risk table color by groups
legend.labs =
c("Left", "Rectosigmoid", "Right"), # Change legend labels
risk.table.height = 0.25, # Useful to change when you have multiple groups
palette = "lancet",
legend.title = "Primary Site",
xlab = "Time (months)",
ylab = "Recurrence Probability",
title="Time from Primary Procedure to Recurrence in Liver"
survfit(Surv(time_to_recurrence, five_year_disease_free_survival) ~ primary_site, data = data)->fitdiseasefreesurvival
ggsurvplot(fitdiseasefreesurvival, data = data,
size = 1, # change line size = TRUE, # Add confidence interval
pval = TRUE, # Add p-value
risk.table = "abs_pct","step",# Add risk table
risk.table.col = "strata",# Risk table color by groups
legend.labs =
c("Left", "Rectum", "Right"), # Change legend labels
risk.table.height = 0.25, # Useful to change when you have multiple groups
palette = "lancet",# Change ggplot2 theme
legend.title = "Primary Site",
xlab = "Time (months)",
ylab = "Disease Free Probability",
xlim= c(0,60), = 10,
pval.coord = c(5, 0.1),
title= "Disease Free Survival Post-Liver Resection",
::tbl_survfit(fitdiseasefreesurvival, times=c(12,36,60), label="Primary Tumour Location",
gtsummarylabel_header = "**{time} Months**", statistic="{estimate} (95% CI {conf.low}-{conf.high})"
survfit(Surv(recurrence_to_death, five_year_all_cause_survival) ~ primary_site, data = data)->fitrecurrencetodeath
ggsurvplot(fitrecurrencetodeath, data = data,
size = 1, # change line size = TRUE,"step",# Add risk table
# Add confidence interval
pval = TRUE, # Add p-value
risk.table = "abs_pct",
risk.table.col = "strata",# Risk table color by groups
legend.labs =
c("Left", "Rectum", "Right"), # Change legend labels
risk.table.height = 0.25, # Useful to change when you have multiple groups
palette = "lancet",# Change ggplot2 theme
legend.title = "Primary Site",
xlab = "Time (months)",
ylab = "Probability of Survival after Recurrence Post Liver Resection",
xlim= c(0,120), = 10,
pval.coord = c(5, 0.05),
title= "Recurrence after Liver Resection to Death"
### Custom function to generate KM plots:
<-function(data=data,time, event, var,title=NULL, ylab="Survival probability",
survplotxlim=c(0,120), pval.coord=NULL, legend.labs=NULL){
survminer~ var, data=data)->fit
ggsurvplot(fit, data=data,
size = 1, # change line size = "TRUE","step",# Add confidence interval
pval = TRUE, # Add p-value
risk.table = FALSE, # Add risk table
risk.table.col = "strata",# Risk table color by groups
legend.labs =
# Change legend labels
legend.labs, risk.table.height = 0.25, # Useful to change when you have multiple groups
palette = "lancet",
xlim= xlim, = 10,
legend.title = "",
xlab = "Time (months)",
title= title, title.size=100,
### Overall Survival
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$agecat,
legend.labs=c("<50","51-60","61-70",">70"), title = "Overall Survival- Age"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$gender,
legend.labs = c("Female","Male"), title = "Overall Survival-Gender"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$modified_charlson_index,
legend.labs = c("0","1","2","3","4",">=5") , title = "Overall Survival-Modified Charlson Index"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$asa,
legend.labs = c("1","2","3","4") , title = "Overall Survival-ASA"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$performance_status,
legend.labs = c("1","2","3","4") , title = "Overall Survival-Performance Status"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$primary_site,
legend.labs=c("Left","Rectum","Right"), title = "Overall Survival- Primary Tumour Location"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$synchronous_liver_metastasis,
legend.labs = c("Metachronous","Synchronous"), title = "Overall Survival- Synchronous vs. Metachronous"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$initial_tumour_stage_t,
legend.labs=c("T1","T2","T3","T4a","T4b"), title = "Overall Survival- Tumour Stage T"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$initial_tumour_stage_n,
legend.labs=c("N0","N1","N2"), title = "Overall Survival- Tumour Stage N"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, as.factor(data$tumour_grade),
legend.labs = c("1","2","3"),title = "Overall Survival- Tumour Grade"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$urgency_primary,
legend.labs = c("Elective","Emergency"), title = "Overall Survival-Urgency Primary Procedure"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$neo_adj_prim,
legend.labs = c("No Neoadjuvant\nChemotherapy","Neoadjuvant\nChemotherapy"), title = "Overall Survival-Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Primary"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$adj_prim,
legend.labs = c("No Adjuvant\nChemotherapy","Adjuvant\nChemotherapy"), title = "Overall Survival-Adjuvant Chemotherapy Primary"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$neo_adj_liv,
legend.labs = c("No Neoadjuvant\nChemotherapy","Neodjuvant\nChemotherapy"), title = "Overall Survival-Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Liver"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$adj_liv,
legend.labs = c("No Adjuvant\nChemotherapy","Adjuvant\nChemotherapy"), title = "Overall Survival-Adjuvant Chemotherapy Liver"),
survplot(data=synch,synch$time_to_death,synch$five_year_all_cause_survival, synch$sequence,
legend.labs = c("Liver First","Primary First","Synchronous") , title = "Overall Survival-Sequence of Surgery in Patients with Synchronous Tumours"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$clavien_dindo,
legend.labs = c("0 or I","II","IIIA","IIIB","IVA","IVB") , title = "Overall Survival-Clavien-Dindo Classification after Liver Surgery"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$margins_primary_resection,
legend.labs = c("R0","R1") , title = "Overall Survival-Margins after Primary Surgery"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$liver_resection_margins,
legend.labs = c("R0","R1") , title = "Overall Survival-Margins after Liver Surgery"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$lung,
legend.labs = c("No Lung\nMetastases", "Lung\nMetastases") , title = "Overall Survival- Lung Metastases"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_death,data$five_year_all_cause_survival, data$liver_recurrence_yn,
legend.labs = c("No Liver\nRecurrence", "Liver\nRecurrence") , title = "Overall Survival- Liver Recurrence")
arrange_ggsurvplots(oslist, ncol=6,nrow = 4,risk.table = FALSE)->osfacet
ggsave("osfacet.svg",osfacet, dpi=300, width=45,height=23, units="cm")
### Disease Free Survival
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$agecat,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs=c("<50","51-60","61-70",">70"), title = "Disease Free Survival- Age"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$gender,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("Female","Male"), title = "Disease Free Survival-Gender"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$modified_charlson_index,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("0","1","2","3","4",">=5") , title = "Disease Free Survival-Modified Charlson Index"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$asa,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("1","2","3","4") , title = "Disease Free Survival-ASA"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$performance_status,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("1","2","3","4") , title = "Disease Free Survival-Performance Status"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$primary_site,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs=c("Left","Rectum","Right"), title = "Disease Free Survival- Primary Tumour Location"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$synchronous_liver_metastasis,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("Metachronous","Synchronous"), title = "Disease Free Survival- Synchronous vs. Metachronous"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$initial_tumour_stage_t,
legend.labs=c("T1","T2","T3","T4a","T4b"), title = "Disease Free Survival- Tumour Stage T"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$initial_tumour_stage_n,
legend.labs=c("N0","N1","N2"), title = "Disease Free Survival- Tumour Stage N"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, as.factor(data$tumour_grade),
legend.labs = c("1","2","3"),title = "Disease Free Survival- Tumour Grade"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$urgency_primary,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("Elective","Emergency"), title = "Disease Free Survival-Urgency Primary Procedure"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$neo_adj_prim,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("No Neoadjuvant\nChemotherapy","Neoadjuvant\nChemotherapy"), title = "Disease Free Survival-Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Primary"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$adj_prim,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("No Adjuvant\nChemotherapy","Adjuvant\nChemotherapy"), title = "Disease Free Survival-Adjuvant Chemotherapy Primary"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$neo_adj_liv,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("No Neoadjuvant\nChemotherapy","Neodjuvant\nChemotherapy"), title = "Disease Free Survival-Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Liver"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$adj_liv,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("No Adjuvant\nChemotherapy","Adjuvant\nChemotherapy"), title = "Disease Free Survival-Adjuvant Chemotherapy Liver"),
survplot(data=synch,synch$time_to_recurrence,synch$five_year_disease_free_survival, synch$sequence,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("Liver First","Primary First","Synchronous") , title = "Disease Free Survival-Sequence of Surgery in Patients with Synchronous Tumours"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$clavien_dindo,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("0 or I","II","IIIA","IIIB","IVA","IVB") , title = "Disease Free Survival-Clavien-Dindo Classification after Liver Surgery"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$lung,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("R0", "R1") , title = "Disease Free Survival- Primary Margins"),
survplot(data=data,data$time_to_recurrence,data$five_year_disease_free_survival, data$liver_resection_margins,
xlim=c(0,60), legend.labs = c("R0", "R1") , title = "Disease Free Survival- Liver Resection Margins")
arrange_ggsurvplots(dflist, ncol=5,nrow = 4,risk.table = FALSE)->dffacet
ggsave("dffacet.svg",dffacet, dpi=300, width=40,height=20, units="cm")
<- coxph(Surv(TimeToDeath, FiveYearAllCauseSurvival) ~
coxreg data = data)
<- coxph(Surv(TimeToDeath, FiveYearAllCauseSurvival) ~
coxregmulti + Age + Gender + ASA + LiverResectionMargins,
PrimarySite data = data)
::gg_miss_var(longtermsurvdata, show_pct = TRUE) naniar
<- data %>% select(-c(id2,
dob, dateof_liver_resection, dateof_death,
, initial_cea, stoma, operative_route,
date_primary_resection, margins_primary_resection,
date_disease_recurrence, cea_liver_metastasis,
stage_time_metastasis_m, stage_time_metastasis_n,
no_segmentectomies, route, right, i,
ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, adrenal,
aortocaval_node, bladder, bone, cns,
diaphragm, lymphnodes_aortocaval_and_hilar,
peritoneum, skin, ureter, uterus, immunotherapy,
ir_ablation, na, pve, braf_2, other,
ras_2, regional_chemo, braf, ovary, other_gi,
paraortic_nodes, none, primary_procedure))sapply(longtermsurvdata_slim,
longtermsurvdata_slim[<- lapply(longtermsurvdata_slim[sapply(longtermsurvdata_slim,
is.character)], as.factor)
$modified_charlson_index <- longtermsurvdata_slim$modified_charlson_index %>%
<- mice(longtermsurvdata_slim, m = 25,
imputed method = "cart", seed = 125)
<- weightthem(primary_site ~ age +
weighted + urgency_primary + modified_charlson_index +
gender +initial_tumour_stage_t + initial_tumour_stage_n +
+ synchronous_liver_metastasis +
performance_status + neo_adj_prim + adj_prim +
tumour_grade + adj_liv + ras + p53, datasets = imputed,
neo_adj_liv method = "gbm", approach = "within",
estimand = "ATT", focal = "Right", verbose = TRUE)
<- weightthem(primary_site ~ age +
weighted + urgency_primary + modified_charlson_index +
gender +initial_tumour_stage_t + initial_tumour_stage_n +
+ synchronous_liver_metastasis +
performance_status + neo_adj_prim + adj_prim +
tumour_grade + adj_liv + ras + p53, datasets = imputed,
neo_adj_liv method = "cb", approach = "within", estimand = "ATT",
focal = "Right", verbose = TRUE)
<- weightthem(primary_site ~ age +
weighted + urgency_primary + modified_charlson_index +
gender +initial_tumour_stage_t + initial_tumour_stage_n +
+ synchronous_liver_metastasis +
performance_status + neo_adj_prim + adj_prim +
tumour_grade + adj_liv + ras + p53, datasets = imputed,
neo_adj_liv method = "optimal", approach = "within",
estimand = "ATT", focal = "Right", verbose = TRUE)
adj_primdatasets = imputed,
method = "ebal", approach = "within",
estimand = "ATT", focal="Right", verbose=TRUE)"
datasets = imputed,
method = "npcbps", approach = "within",
estimand = "ATT", focal="Right", verbose=TRUE)
<- list(weighted, weightedps, weightedcb,
weights weightedopt, weightedebal, weightednpcbps)
<- function(x) {
bal.tabvar, thresholds = c(m = 0.1, v = 2),
abs = TRUE)
map(weights, bal.tabvar)->baltables
for (i in 1:6) { print( baltables[[i]][["Pair.Balance"]][["Right vs. Left"]][["Balance.Across.Imputations"]][["Mean.Diff.Adj"]]) } for (i in 1:6) { print( baltables[[i]][["Pair.Balance"]][["Right vs. Rectum"]][["Balance.Across.Imputations"]][["Mean.Diff.Adj"]]) } for (i in 1:6) { print( baltables[[i]][["Pair.Balance"]][["Rectum vs. Left"]][["Balance.Across.Imputations"]][["Mean.Diff.Adj"]]) }
for (i in 1:6) { print( baltables[[i]][["Pair.Balance"]][["Right vs. Left"]][["Balance.Across.Imputations"]][["Mean.V.Ratio.Adj"]]) } for (i in 1:6) { print( baltables[[i]][["Pair.Balance"]][["Right vs. Rectum"]][["Balance.Across.Imputations"]][["Mean.V.Ratio.Adj"]]) } for (i in 1:6) { print( baltables[[i]][["Pair.Balance"]][["Rectum vs. Left"]][["Balance.Across.Imputations"]][["Mean.V.Ratio.Adj"]]) }
<-function(x){ bal.plot(weightedopt, which = "both", = x) }
c("age","gender","urgency_primary","modified_charlson_index", "initial_tumour_stage_t", "initial_tumour_stage_n", "performance_status","initial_tumour_stage_m","tumour_grade")->balvars
map(balvars, bal.plot.both)->balpots
"datasets"]] %>% bind_rows()->weightedstacked weightedstacked %>% filter(.imp != 0)->weightedstacked weighted[[
= c("age", "gender", "tumour_grade",
explan "primary_site", "initial_tumour_stage_t",
"initial_tumour_stage_n", "synchronous_liver_metastasis",
"bilobar", "lung", "neo_adj_liv", "neo_adj_prim",
"adj_prim", "adj_liv", "ras", "p53",
"asa", "number_liver_metastases", "size_largest_liver_metastasis",
"performance_status", "modified_charlson_index",
"urgency_primary", "liver_resection_margins",
"clavien_dindo", "liver_recurrence_yn")
= c("age", "gender", "tumour_grade",
explandiseasefree "primary_site", "initial_tumour_stage_t",
"initial_tumour_stage_n", "synchronous_liver_metastasis",
"bilobar", "neo_adj_liv", "neo_adj_prim",
"adj_prim", "adj_liv", "ras", "p53",
"p53", "asa", "number_liver_metastases",
"size_largest_liver_metastasis", "performance_status",
"modified_charlson_index", "urgency_primary",
"liver_resection_margins", "clavien_dindo")
<- function(x) {
allcausereg %>% split(.$.imp) %>%
weightedstacked map(~coxph(formula = as.formula(paste("Surv(time_to_death, ten_year_all_cause_survival)",
sep = "~")), data = ., weights = weights)) %>%
x, as.mira(.) %>% pool(., dfcom = NULL) %>%
summary(., = TRUE, exp = TRUE) %>%
<- function(x) {
diseasefreereg %>% split(.$.imp) %>%
weightedstacked map(~coxph(formula = as.formula(paste("Surv(time_to_recurrence, five_year_disease_free_survival)",
sep = "~")), data = ., weights = weights)) %>%
x, as.mira(.) %>% pool(., dfcom = NULL) %>%
summary(., = TRUE, exp = TRUE) %>%
<- map(explan, allcausereg) %>%
univarallcause bind_rows()
<- map(explandiseasefree,
univardiseasefree %>% bind_rows() diseasefreereg)
<- weightedstacked %>%
coxregtablematched split(.$.imp) %>% map(~coxph(Surv(time_to_death,
~ age +
five_year_all_cause_survival) + lung + asa + initial_tumour_stage_n +
bilobar + synchronous_liver_metastasis +
performance_status + adj_prim + neo_adj_prim +
neo_adj_liv + size_largest_liver_metastasis +
number_liver_metastases + liver_recurrence_yn +
primary_site + asa, , data = ., , weights = weights)) %>%
clavien_dindo as.mira(.) %>% pool(., dfcom = NULL) %>%
summary(., = TRUE, exp = TRUE)
<- weightedstacked %>%
coxregtablematcheddiseasefree split(.$.imp) %>% map(~coxph(Surv(time_to_recurrence,
~ bilobar +
five_year_disease_free_survival) + synchronous_liver_metastasis +
initial_tumour_stage_n + adj_liv + neo_adj_liv + neo_adj_prim +
adj_prim + primary_site +
number_liver_metastases data = ., ,
liver_resection_margins, weights = weights)) %>% as.mira(.) %>%
pool(., dfcom = NULL) %>% summary(., = TRUE, exp = TRUE)
coxregtablematched mutate_if(is.numeric, round, digits=2)->coxregtablematchedlabel
%>% glue::glue_data("{estimate} (95% CI {X2.5..}-{X97.5..}, p={p.value})")->coxregtablematchedlabel$summary
<-cbind(coxregtablematchedlabel$term, coxregtablematchedlabel$summary)
line.margin = 1,
lower=coxregtablematchedlabel$X2.5.., upper=coxregtablematchedlabel$X97.5..,
xlab="Hazard Ratio for All Cause Mortality after Liver Resection",
zero=1, boxsize=0.7, xlog=TRUE,, ci.vertices=TRUE, ci.vertices.height = 0.1,,
title="Hazard Ratios for All Cause Mortality after Liver Resection",
txt_gp=fpTxtGp(label=gpar(cex=1.5, fontfamily="Helvetica"),
xlab=gpar(cex = 1.2),
title=gpar(cex = 1.5)
col=fpColors(box="darkblue",axes="black",lines = "gray52"))
<- coxregtablematcheddiseasefree %>%
coxregtablematcheddiseasefreelabel mutate_if(is.numeric, round, digits = 2)
$summary <- coxregtablematcheddiseasefreelabel %>%
coxregtablematcheddiseasefreelabel::glue_data("{estimate} (95% CI {X2.5..}-{X97.5..}, p={p.value})")
<- cbind(coxregtablematcheddiseasefreelabel$term,
tabletext2 $summary)
coxregtablematcheddiseasefreelabelforestplot(labeltext = tabletext2, mean = coxregtablematcheddiseasefreelabel$estimate,
lower = coxregtablematcheddiseasefreelabel$X2.5..,
upper = coxregtablematcheddiseasefreelabel$X97.5..,
xlab = "Hazard Ratio for Recurrence after Liver Resection",
zero = 1, boxsize = 0.5, xlog = TRUE, = 2, ci.vertices = TRUE, ci.vertices.height = 0.1, = 3, title = "Hazard Ratios for Recurrence after Liver Resection",
txt_gp = fpTxtGp(label = gpar(cex = 1.25,
fontfamily = "Helvetica"), ticks = gpar(cex = 1.1),
xlab = gpar(cex = 1.2), title = gpar(cex = 1.5)),
graphwidth = unit(10, "cm"), is.summary = c(rep(FALSE,
15)), col = fpColors(box = "darkblue",
axes = "black", lines = "gray52"))
<- paste("Surv(data$time_to_death, data$five_year_all_cause_survival)",
form paste(explanatory, collapse = " + "),
sep = " ~ ") %>% as.formula()
<- coxph(form, data = data)
res.cox <- cox.zph(res.cox) ggcoxzph(
library(Gmisc, quietly = TRUE); library(glue); library(htmlTable); library(grid); library(magrittr)
<- boxGrob(glue("Patients in Institutional Registry", "n = {pop}", pop = txtInt(573), .sep = "\n"))
<- boxGrob(glue("Included Patients", "n = {incl}", incl = txtInt(414), .sep = "\n")) grp_a <- boxGrob(glue("Right Sided Tumours", "n = {recr} (24.6%)", recr = txtInt(102), .sep = "\n"))
<- boxGrob(glue("Left Sided Tumours", "n = {recr} (39.4%)", recr = txtInt(163), .sep = "\n")) grp_c <- boxGrob(glue("Rectosigmoid Tumours", "n = {recr} (36.0%)", recr = txtInt(149), .sep = "\n")) excluded <- boxGrob(glue("Excluded (n = {159}):", " - Repeat Liver Resection: {uninterested}", " - Procedure Abandoned: {contra}", " - Died before Discharge: {died}", uninterested = 134, contra = 573 - 134 - 9-414, died = 9, .sep = "\n"), just = "left")
grid.newpage() vert <- spreadVertical(org_cohort, included = included, grps = grp_a) grps <- alignVertical(reference = vert$grps, grp_a, grp_b, grp_c) %>% spreadHorizontal() vert$grps <- NULL
<- moveBox(excluded, x = .8, y = .7)
for (i in 1:(length(vert) - 1)) { connectGrob(vert[[i]], vert[[i + 1]], type = "vert") %>% print } connectGrob(vert$included, grps[[1]], type = "N") connectGrob(vert$included, grps[[2]], type = "N") connectGrob(vert$included, grps[[3]], type = "N") connectGrob(included, excluded, type = "L")
vert grps excluded
4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
R version : x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Platform: Windows 10 x64 (build 19042)
Running under
: default
Matrix products
locale1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252 LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
attached base packages1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
namespace (and not attached):
loaded via a 1] tidyr_1.1.2 splines_4.0.2 carData_3.0-4 assertthat_0.2.1 ggstance_0.3.4 cellranger_1.1.0
[7] yaml_2.2.1 pillar_1.4.6 backports_1.1.10 lattice_0.20-41 rlist_0.4.6.1 visdat_0.5.3
[13] glue_1.4.2 digest_0.6.25 ggsignif_0.6.0 checkmate_2.0.0 snakecase_0.11.0 colorspace_1.4-1
[19] htmltools_0.5.0 Matrix_1.2-18 survey_4.0 plyr_1.8.6 pkgconfig_2.0.3 broom_0.7.1
[25] haven_2.3.1 purrr_0.3.4 xtable_1.8-4 scales_1.1.1 naniar_0.6.0 km.ci_0.5-2
[31] openxlsx_4.2.2 rio_0.5.16 KMsurv_0.1-5 htmlTable_2.1.0 tibble_3.0.3 generics_0.0.2
[37] car_3.0-10 ggplot2_3.3.2 ellipsis_0.3.1 ggpubr_0.4.0 cobalt_4.2.3 janitor_2.0.1
[43] lazyeval_0.2.2 cli_2.0.2 survival_3.2-7 magrittr_1.5 crayon_1.3.4 readxl_1.3.1
[49] MatchIt_3.0.2 evaluate_0.14 fansi_0.4.1 MASS_7.3-53 rstatix_0.6.0 forcats_0.5.0
[55] foreign_0.8-80 tableone_0.12.0 tools_4.0.2 data.table_1.13.0 hms_0.5.3 mitools_2.4
[61] lifecycle_0.2.0 matrixStats_0.57.0 stringr_1.4.0 munsell_0.5.0 zip_2.1.1 compiler_4.0.2
[67] survminer_0.4.8 rlang_0.4.7 grid_4.0.2 rstudioapi_0.11 htmlwidgets_1.5.2 rmarkdown_2.4
[73] gtable_0.3.0 DBI_1.1.0 abind_1.4-5 curl_4.3 ggforestplot_0.1.0 R6_2.4.1
[79] gridExtra_2.3 zoo_1.8-8 lubridate_1.7.9 knitr_1.30 dplyr_1.0.2 survMisc_0.5.5
[85] stringi_1.5.3 Rcpp_1.0.5 vctrs_0.3.4 expss_0.10.6 tidyselect_1.1.0 xfun_0.18 [